Wednesday 27 January 2010

On the first day...

So here it begins. My first proper foray into the world of the blog. Not sure how formal these introductions are so I'm just going to break you in gently. Any vagueness you sense is unintentional - to be honest I have a hard enough time remembering things at the best of the times so this may be as good a way as any of documenting things whilst they are still fresh.

My work entails a variety of things. I sing, I dance, I take pictures, I digitally retouch other people's pictures, I travel, I buy antiques, listen to Radio 4 comedies and I watch Spooks (okay, so I don't get paid for those bits).

My family are spread far and wide, although mainly based in the deep south of the Shire. Friends are similarly geographically diverse and are really the family I choose for myself. My present favourite amongst the former is my little nephew whom I affectionately refer to as 'Beans'. Long story (don't even ask) but lets just say it doesn't involve any beans.

Sweet little fella - sporting a rather fetching line in Iggle Piggle wear, customised by the all important bit of dribble near the neck.

I have developed over the years what some may find to be a strange habit of giving the people around me nicknames. I have decided (if it's alright with you) to use those names when talking about them here. Some, like the Beanie above, were named for reasons lost in the haze of antiquity. Some evolved after years of crafting (and previous names no longer 'fitting' quite right) and some just stuck for obvious reasons. A cast of characters where truth reaches a level of strange that fiction can only gawp at. I lead what I think is a rather interesting life at times, and have (so far and long may it continue) had some adventures and opportunities that very few people have had the chance to take.

Over the coming weeks snips of this and more will slip through this page and I hope it becomes a regular haunt of yours if only for a fleeting moment when the boss/wife/both aren't watching and you're reaching for another Fox's Crunch Cream. I'd rather not think that i'm typing this away to myself - otherwise i'd skip the whole passwords signup blah that is asked for in places such as this and would have simply bought myself a diary instead.

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